Battle Of The Brow Products: Benefit Vs. L'Oreal.

Hey, friends! I'm back again with another product battle, this time for the most important part of your face - eyebrows. Having said this, mine are terrible. My brow game is weaker than my control at a Mexican restaurant. They are unruly at best, and just generally a pain, to be honest. But will that stop me talking about them? Of course not.

Today I am pitting Benefit Gimme Brow and L'Oreal Brow Artist Plumper against each other; two incredibly hyped products from the extensive world of brow products. Both are tinted brow gels which promise to thicken and hold your brows in place all day, but which is better, high end or drugstore?

*Disclaimer! You're about to see a ton of awkward photos of my brows! Do you know how hard it is to photograph eyebrows? Very, is the answer. You've been warned.

Benefit Gimme Brow

Bang for Your Buck: $35 will get you 3g of sweet, sweet product. Don't worry, I balked at the price initially as well, but this stuff is so damn good.

Availability: Benefit counters, or, if you prefer to shop sans pants, online.

Shade Range: Light/Medium and Medium/Dark, pretty standard for a gel range. I have Medium/Dark, which I can pull off despite having quite dark brow hairs.

Applicator: Itty bitty brush. So cute. Squeeeeee.

Ease of Application: The little applicator, combined with the thick formula, made application so simple! I had no dramas keeping the product right where I wanted it, which is an issue for someone as uncoordinated as I am.

Finish/Hold: Matte. This keeps my brows intact for most of the day, I do have to put them back in line about six hours in, but my brows are incredibly badly behaved. The boasted fibres definitely add volume and help to hold the hairs down!

Ease of Removal: Super simple, any make up remover will do the trick!

Overall: 8/10.

L'Oreal Brow Artist Plumper

Bang for Your Buck: $18.95 gives you 7ml of fibre-filled fanciness.

Availiabilty: Priceline, chemists, Target - basically anywhere L'Oreal is stocked (because you're worth it).

Shade Range: Blonde, Dark Brunette and Transparent. This isn't unusual for a brow gel range, but I wish they had a darker colour! Dark Brunette is a little too light/warm toned for me, and tends to overpower the colour of whatever I put underneath it.

Applicator: Almost identical to Gimme Brow but with a longer wand and thus not as cute (but still beautiful in its own way).

Ease of Application: The small brush was helpful for application, but the thin formula caused some issues for me. I would be lying if I said I didn't accidentally wipe this down my browbone. Plus, I had to apply quite a lot of product to coat my brows.

Finish/Hold: This sets semi matte, and leaves your brows quite crunchy - this would be ok if the crunchiness held the hairs in place, but this wasn't the case for me! Epic sad face, I went about all day with flyaway brows. People underestimated my brow game, guys! As well as this, I didn't notice much in the way of 'plumping', or any volumising fibres, which was disappointing.

Ease of Removal: A little micellar water rubbed this bad boy right off! My brows were crunch free in one swipe.

Overall: 5/10.

So, high end takes top position in the battle of the brow products, which is disappointing because - as a proud cheapskate - I live for dupes! Do you have any favourite brow gels? Let me know!

Sophia ♡


Thank you so much for reading, have a beautiful day!

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